Limb & Leaf Collection

Limb Collection

As part of our beautification efforts, we have established a limb collection program that allows citizens to place their excess limbs curbside for pickup. This process takes place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Our “chipper” machine only allows us to pick up limbs up to seven inches in diameter. All limbs exceeding this length should be cut prior to pickup.

Reminder: Please keep in mind that those who place limbs on streets, medians, and alleys are subject to $1,000 fine. Limbs are scheduled to be picked up on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Leaf Collection

Each November and December, the Public Works Department removes leaves from curbs, gutters, and front lawns of residents’ homes. Each year we gather over 400,000 pounds of leaves. The leaf machines we use is designed to help us collect leaves at a rapid pace. This process is repeated throughout the winter and runs through the first week of January.